Settings is to set up units, software and device communications and auto map save settings.
Exit is to quit the software.
Connect is to connect or dis-connect to the ECU,
Unit selection
Select Metric or Imperial units.
Select Language if it is available.
Custom your own tuning pallet to suit the collars and font size that works for you. Remember these settings is saved in the Config file. If you upgrade versions, then rename your Config file to carry your settings over.
Device Settings
Max Poll error count: This is the time it takes to read the real time values from the device via the Blue Tooth serial port. Blue tooth communication is not as smooth and fast as USB communication. It requires a tolerance setting to ignore short intervals of no communication. Increase this value till the flashing LED stops flashing RED. For USB cables keep this value at 0.
Save Settings
The software will do Auto saves at time intervals. The intervals can be adjusted here. It will also have a max display list on the open file menu. Then the software will also make a backup copy of each download to ECU and it is called Device Saves. File location for these maps is in the folder where the Hyperspace is saved on the hard disk.
These settings let you customise quick keyboard keys to fast track moving between screens and functions. They are completely customisable. In the factory we will set up basic keys for your convenience. You may restore to default when you chose to. Remember these settings is saved in the Config file. If you upgrade versions, then rename your Config file to carry your settings over.
Close will save your selections in the Config file and go back to the tuning pallet.
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