The Map information screen, Name Model and Engine, contains info for the ECU application for a specific vehicle. This helps the tuner to recognize previous work and tuning data. It is saved in the ECU and also in PC maps. It does not affect any tuning on the engine.
Map Number
The firmware can save up to 2 maps for different fuel setups or tuning algorithms. This is only an indication and the map cannot be forced on this page. This block is updated when the ECU is switched on. If no selection switch is connected, the ECU will default to Map 1. Note: The maps cannot be changed whilst the engine is running. The power of the ECU has to be cycled for the new Map to be loaded. The reason is the time it takes to load and populate a map in software will let the engine cut out. If you populate in real time settings of one map will be implemented momentarily on another map and then time and fuel values may be out of limits and damage an engine under load.
Save Setup Data
This feature is handy if you want to load a map to change the tuning graphs without altering the setup data. If it is on it will load the setup settings and the graph and matrix data. If it is off it will only load the graph and matrix data. Note: The critical settings and calibrations are not altered in map load. A useful tip is to leave this setting off. Any changes on the setup while the ECU is connected is saved as normal. This feature is permanently saved in the ECU and can only be changed on the screen when the ECU is connected. Note. Never load a map while an engine is running.
Dual Map Selection
The map loaded in the ECU is determined by the Dual Map Selection switch. Note that this block varies depending on the product used. For Mercury2 there are no specific input dedicated to the Map switch. An input that is not used in the ECU control can be selected for this feature. If all the inputs are utilized, then dual maps cannot be used. On Mercury2 you may select between Cam 2, Fuel Pressure input and Altitude input to be used for the Map selection switch. Pluto2 and Saturn has a dedicated input and this whole block will be blanked out. This switch is read at startup and the map cannot be changed during running. The ECU power has to be switched off first to implement the selection and then the switch will determine on which map the ECU will start. If the driver wants to change maps he simply through the switch and switch the ECU off and on again. Then if it started on map 2, the Map No will indicate 2 when the software is restarted. Press the upload button to read the new map information. (See the wiring diagrams for info on the different wiring connections.)
NB!! The fuel sensor input requires a 1K pull-up resistor to 5V and not 12 Volt. This may damage the processor. The cam sensor may need a pull-up resistor due to the isolating nature of the input. Leave it as a last resort.
The Dual map switch only operate at startup. Om Mercury2 the switch then is used as Flat-Shift. This will momentarily cut the spark or fuel to enhance mechanical gear shifting. See the Flat Shift description in the Turbo Settings section.
Tuning Mode
This feature allows the tuner to select variations of tuning according to his skills. The firmware will enable more features as the level of progress is made and hide features on lower levels so that confusion for beginners is kept to a minimum.
This level is set up as the first generation of Spitronics ECU’s. There are however new features which is explained further in the manual. This mode is used for graph tuning and were developed by Spitronics. It is also easier for road tune where a Dyno is not present.
This level is more for tuners with Dyno facilities. Here the matrix tuning is present as well as the graph method for fuel and timing. There is also a selection for MAP or TPS tuning versus RPM. Included in this level is a mixture, possibly for racing engines with poor vacuum but with turbo chargers where MAP pressure needs to be compensated for. The tuner can select his preferred option. Note: The graph and matrix data uses its own memory space and both types could be tuned without losing the data on selection changes. This allows the tuner to tune both options and chose the best for his application.
This level is to assist the tuner to tune racing engines and different fuels where more refined parameters are required. Here parameters like Start Prime Pulse, Start enrichment, and the two Accelerator pump Enrichment values are tuned on a graph versus temperature. This is very useful for methanol cars also in extreme cold conditions when fuel does not ignite easy.
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