Due to the progress in development from Spitronics, file names and maps may also change. For your convenience we kept the file structure from Galaxy to Hyperspace the same in Ver 3.5. this is to make the transition easy. Galaxy has been discontinued and Hyperspace is the new platform for development.
On Galaxy a map file had an extension of .galaxy which meant there was no distinction between ECU or TCU files.
With Hyperspace the map extensions are .spiecu for ECU files and .spitcu for TCU files etc.
To convert a Ver 3.5 Map from Galaxy to Hyperspace simply change the extension.
To Convert a Ver 3.4 map to Hyperspace is not so easy as Hyperspace Ver 3.5A has a lot more settings tan the old Ver 3.4 firmware. Here you will have to set the Air and Water temperature graphs correct again and then all the other settings that Ver 3.4 did not have. Best is to open that map offline in Galaxy and then also connect the Device to Hyperspace. then load the same map into the device with hyperspace. Then compare your old settings and new ones to get it as close to as possible. Hyperspace Ver 3.5.5 and higher will allow you to open Galaxy files of Ver 3.4.
Alternatively, you may ask your Spitronics dealer to assist you with the file conversion by sending them the Ver 3.4 map file.
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