Comms Sensor Inputs

Comms Input connector contains wiring of the USB to UART communications cable and the Firmware Programmer. Click on the links below to find wiring diagrams for the items. USB/UART communication cable Firmware Programmer

P4 Sensor Inputs

P4 Input connector contains wiring of the following sensors and output. Tuning Potentiometer (POT) Altitude Sensor Fuel Pressure Sensor GP Output 2 P4 Sensor Input Drawing

GP Priority Layout

The Mercury2 is a universal controller that can have many variations of wiring. Due to new features that is added to the same hardware it is inevitable to move inputs and outputs to suit certain applications. This means that newer versions in firmware is connected differently. We try and keep […]

Power Relay Wiring

The ECU controls the power to all the hardware via the power relay circuit. These relays also act as a safety cutout for the fuel pump in case of engine stalls. When you switch the ignition on, the ECU will switch the relay output on for 3 seconds. If the […]

Jumper Settings

The Mercury2 are universal products that cater for all kinds of sensors and features. Therefore, it has Jumpers that will expand the universality of these products. The jumper settings are around the crank and cam angle sensors to select between hall or magnetic sensors. Click on the link below for […]

Harness Level Description

To make ordering easier we categorize harness’s in different groups. The price increases as the categorization level increases, however the installer will save time while carrying out the installation by opting for the more expensive Harness. Level 1 Basic harnesses. These harness’s come with a connector and the wires that […]

Handshake with TCU

The Mercury2 ECU can be interfaced with Spitronics TCU’s to make wiring less complex. Sensors like TPS could be shared. The TCU also requires an RPM signal and it is connected to the RPM output of the ECU. This is calibrated in the ECU and TCU. The TCU can indicate […]

Mercury2 Layout

Yellow LED – 5 Volt Power on Green1 LED – RPM Output Green2 LED – N8 output Red1 LED – P8 output Red2 LED – P7 output Coms – Communication Connecter 6 Way – USB Cable & Programmer Jumpers Hall Sensors – Crank Pull-up Left – TDC Pull-up Right P1 […]

TCU Selection

Note that the classes that are not used by the TCU firmware is not displayed to simplify the chart. If firmware is developed they will be added. Mercury2 Hardware STD INT ADV ULT Notes Hardware Inputs           TPS Sensor 1 1 1 1 RPM Sensor 1 […]

TCU Features Comparison Chart

Orion Mercury2 Notes         Hardware       TPS Sensor 1 1   RPM Sensor 1 1   Speed Sensor 1 1   Oil Temp Sensor 1 1   Low Range Sensor 1 1           Shifter Selection Switch 1 1   Tuning Maps […]