Gear Shift Profile

These profiles are used to set up each gear to shift on its own pattern and according to certain criteria. This feature will let the installer set up the TCU for custom drive trains to the liking of his customer. The up and down shift algorithms can be manipulated with […]

TCU Information

The device information screen displays vital information regarding the Spitronics TCU that has been connected. Note: Firmware is the program that is loaded into the TCU to make the electronics operate in a specific way. This is normally a HEX file or Firm file which is loaded into the product […]

Real-Time Display

This block displays all the analogue sensor values as they change in the TCU. You may change the appearance of some of the signals as well as the colors in the settings tab. Double click on certain fields will toggle between 2 types of views. Below is a description of […]

Tuning Menu

Settings is to set up units, software and device communications and auto map save settings. Exit is to quit the software. Connect is to connect or dis-connect to the ECU, Settings Unit selection Select Metric or Imperial units. Language Select Language if it is available. Styles Custom your own tuning […]

Startup Screen

If you open the software without a live device connected, you will come to the main pallet or screen which forms the framework of the Hyperspace software. It looks the same for all the devices. From here you can open map files, connect to devices and set basic settings required […]

Speedometer Output

The Speed output can be used to drive cluster speedometers or data logger. This output is a square wave signal and has adjustable pulses to calibrate external speedometers. See the tuning software for more details. The Orion output is a ground square wave signal with a 1K pull-up resistor to […]

General Purpose

The general purpose outputs could be used for numerous control on the engine. Each option requires different wiring. The outputs of the ECU may be strong enough to drive certain units directly and others may require a relay or amplifier. Click on the link below for the different wiring diagrams. […]

Speed Sensors

The Speed sensor for the TCU is important to determine the correct shift speed. This will keep the engine in its optimum gear at all times. It will also prevent erratic shifting and over-revving of the engine. The Speed sensor is normally situated at the tail piece of the transmission. […]

RPM Sensor

The RPM sensor for the TCU is important to determine the correct shift points. This will keep the engine in its optimum gear at all times. It will also prevent erratic shifting and over-revving of the engine. The TCU is mostly used together with an ECU so the RPM signal […]

RPM and Speed Sensors

The Orion TCU is a universal controller designed for most types of Optic, Hall or Magnetic reluctor sensors. It can read 2 sensors in total. Mostly Crank or RPM signal from ECU, and Speed sensors from transmission. The drawings are based on the OT01 – P1 and OT02 – P1 […]