The ECU software has Error, Warning and Information codes displayed in the Status tool bar at the bottom. These codes will help the tuner to find problems during startup and tuning, also to see if the ECU is functioning correctly. Some of the functions on the ECU will indicate to the tuner what is happening. He can then see if these functions are operating correctly.
The codes are displayed at the right hand bottom corner. The code list will display a list of accumulating codes so that the tuner can see what the codes were and in which order. The bottom indication will only show the last code. Also note that a code is only updated once, until it disappears and when it appears again the code will be logged again. This is to prevent the list from being too long. This does not apply to the angle sensor error codes during cranking. They will increment the counter as each one occurs.
Press the ‘’C’’ key to clear the error codes. This is handy as you will not be able to see is the code is still present or if it was only listed once.
Note: If you crank an engine and it does not start, there will be one error code, error code 6 for Emergency Engine Shutdown. This is normal and not an actually an error. The ECU was expecting more trigger pulses but pulses were stopped. Therefore, the ECU goes into a safe shutdown of coils and injectors etc. A tip, press C then crank the engine. There should be no error and it will read 200 RPM’s on the rev counter until the key is released.
The blue codes are for crank and cam related sensor errors. This is normally the angle signals that makes the ECU operate correctly. The red codes are warnings like over temperature etc. The green codes are for information of functions that were activated. The colors are only for explanation in this document.
The following list explain the different error codes
1 – Missing crank pulses – The crank sensor senses too little teeth per revolution
2 – Too many crank pulses or spikes – The crank sensor senses too many teeth per revolution
3 – Incorrect crank TDC slot – The crank sensor did not sense a TDC slot. (Maybe incorrect wiring)
4 – Missing TDC pulse – The TDC pulse is not present
5 – Missing home pulse – The Home pulse is not present
6 – Emergency engine shutdown – Safe shutdown of engine due to lack of or incorrect signals
7 – Fuel pressure safety cut-out – The fuel pressure sensor low limit has been reached
8 – Economy fuel cut-out – The fuel economy cut is implemented
9 – RPM limiter reached – The engine RPM limiter has been exceeded
10 – Max boost limiter reached – The boost pressure limit has been exceeded
11 – Water hot/cold temperature limiter reached – The water temperature limit has been exceeded
12 – Launch limiter reached – The launch limit RPM has been exceeded
13 – Lambda control limits reached – The lambda control limit has been reached
14 – Battery low voltage limit reached – The battery voltage falls below a critical limit
15 – Selection refreshed. Confirm driver placement – The ECU changed driver output configurations
16 – Timing retarded – Ignition timing is retarded during an automatic transmission shift procedure
17 – Flood control injector cut-out – Fuel is cut by injectors during cranking when the throttle is fully opened
18 – Flat-shift activated – Ignition or fuel is cut for a moment to enhance gearshift for racing engines
19 – Ignition power switched off – Ignition key power is switched off
20 – Sponsor counter depleted – The sponsor counter is depleted for sponsored ECU’s
21 – Anti-Lag activated – Anti-Lag is activated on the Launch features
22 – 2Hardware Class don’t support this feature – Incorrect firmware loaded
23 – 2Speed Limit Reached – Speed Limit was exceeded
24 – 2Bootloader Not Present – This indicate if the BootLoader firmware was not loaded in the newer products
25 – Overcharge Limit Reached – This error will come when the charge time plus graph times exceed the maximum charge times
26 – 2Test Mode is Selected – This is used for calibrating TxW firmware
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