Error Messages

The Silicon Laboratories IDE Software display different messages when it cannot connect to the device or the Debug Adapter. Fast way to verify if the equipment is correct is to see if you can get connection to another device if you have one. Below is a description of the messages.

This message appears when the debug adapter Connection Options settings is incorrect. See the example below.

This message appears when the Silicon Laboratories IDE Software and the debug adapter are not the same version. If you press Ok it will be updated and never ask this question again until you load newer version Silicon Laboratories IDE software on the laptop.

This message appears if the debug adapter is not connected to the laptop. If it connects the Run and power LED’s will light up on the debug adapter. It may also be a faulty debug adapter.

This message appears when the debug adapter is not connected to a Spitronics device. It may be a broken wire between the debug adapter and device. It may also be a faulty device. Usually when the Micro Processor of the device is blown. It may also be a damaged USB debug adapter. On some products the programmer inputs have duel tasks. It is then selected via jumpers. Make sure the jumpers are set for program mode.

This message appears when the debug adapter makes only partial connection to the device. Usually a damaged Micro Processor of the device.

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