TCU Information

The device information screen displays vital information regarding the Spitronics TCU that has been connected. Note: Firmware is the program that is loaded into the TCU to make the electronics operate in a specific way. This is normally a HEX file or Firm file which is loaded into the product by a USB debug programmer or BootLoader. Software is the tuning interface that runs on the computer and it is used to tune the product’s parameters.

Serial Number

There is a unique number assigned to each product. It is saved on maps and recognized by the database on its status etc.

Hardware release

Displays which type of device has been connected to the software. In this case an Orion Engine Control Unit.

Hardware class

Displays the Hardware class of the product that has been connected to the software. The hardware class will determine which firmware can be uploaded onto the product. This feature allows the unit to open certain or all functions of the electronics.  The amount of features determines the price of the unit. This feature can be changed over on the internet to allow for remote upgrades of the unit. The hardware classes are as follows:

  1. Micro
  2. Basic
  3. Standard
  4. Intermediate
  5. Advance
  6. Ultimate
  7. Commercial
  8. Racing
Product Release

The product release section displays the function of the device connected. E.g. Engine control unit, Transmission Control unit etc. The Orion hardware can be used with different firmware to control different applications like ECU, ECU, TXW etc. It is used by the software to identify if the correct firmware is connected.

Firmware Class

Displays the class of the firmware that has been downloaded onto the device. Each firmware program supplied will have a certain class according to the features used. You may load any firmware for a specific product into the unit as long as the firmware class does not outrank the hardware class. The firmware classes are as follows:

  1. Micro
  2. Basic
  3. Standard
  4. Intermediate
  5. Advance
  6. Ultimate
  7. Commercial
  8. Racing
Program Number

Displays the current firmware program that has been downloaded onto the device. The program is identified by a program number and description. See the firmware list of programs for the TCU.

Protocol Version

Displays the current protocol version number between the firmware and the PC software. This must be the same for the hardware and software to communicate. The firmware will indicate to the software which version of the program to open.

Firmware Version

Displays the sub version of the current firmware that has been downloaded into the device. It is an alphabetic number and has no effect on the protocol version used. This version is used when corrective firmware is released. Always use the latest version available.

Program Restriction

Displays the Firmware number which the TCU is locked to. If it says No Restriction it means that any TCU program for that TCU can be programmed into the unit, provided it does not outrank the hardware class. If there is a number, it means the TCU is locked to a specific program and only that program may be loaded onto the unit. This is for sponsored or specials which was approved by the manufacturer.

On the top bar you will find the product software version. Note that version 3.3 will be standard with the Firmware version 3.3.
The first 3 is version 3 PC Software.
The second 3 is the protocol version between the PC software and the firmware. When new features are programmed into the unit, this protocol version will change in the PC software and in the Firmware.
The .5 at the end is a sub version and has no effect on the firmware. This version will indicate corrective or improved PC software. Always use the latest version available.

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