Compiling an ECU Product

This document guides you to put a working product together from scratch. It will link you to the sections in the manual that your application requires, and how to set the product up correctly and print the relevant drawings for that installation. This legwork will save you or your customer time and eliminate lots of support calls. As this is a DIY product, the dealer must do this for his customer. If you carry stock, then you will do it when the customer requests a specific system.

Selecting a Product

There are 2 Spitronics ECU products currently in production namely Orion and Mercury2. Each one has Pro’s and Con’s and it is wise to take time out to know the differences. Selecting the wrong one may affect the price or the features that is required. Each ECU has its own manual and the Product Selection of its manual is the section to read for this information. You may also look at the ECU Comparison Chart and ECU How to Choose section. Note that these documents are the same for both manuals.

Choosing Firmware

After you have decided on the product type then read this section in that products manual. If you are choosing Mercury2, then you are in the right place.

Now you will need Engine Information from the customer to decide which firmware must be used. Firmware are developed according to the crank and Cam sensor patterns. So you will need to know what senor pattern on the engine is like 60-2, 24+TDC etc. Second parameter required is number of cylinders. Firmware are also grouped in cylinder categories.

Now you can view the Program Number Chart and see if firmware exists for that product. Orion does not have the amount of inputs that Mercury2 has so it may be that it is impossible to run such engines with it like the V12 and other complex engines.

In the Program Number Chart, you will find the Firmware Features according to its hardware class and the GP Priority Layout for that specific firmware. Mercury2 Selection section will explain this chart and how to get the relevant information from it. With this information you know if firmware exists and what hardware class is required as well as how the ECU connections are laid out for that firmware. Remember different firmware will have different connections to the ECU.

Example of Firmware Features 28
Example of GP Priority Layout Ult / Adv / Int

You can also view the Mercury2 GP Priority Layouts on a combined section for easy comparison on wiring.

To program the Mercury2 ECU see the Firmware Programmer section.

Printing documents

Installers prefer drawings on paper as they can make notes on customising and different wire colours etc. Also mark what is not used and what is already done. Note that this document only guides you on connections and does not have OEM specific drawings of sensors etc. For that you will have to consult the Service manuals.

Crank and Cam Sensors comes in different types and connections. See Crank and Cam Sensor Options. All the options are on one page so mark the correct one for the customer.

The other Sensors on an engine have a connection diagram and description for each one. This is like water and air temperature sensors, TPS, MAP etc. Do go through them and print and mark what is relevant to your install. There are plenty of wiring options to activate different firmware features. On some of the drawings are also software settings that instruct the firmware on the type of wiring you have selected. See the right hand bottom corner of this Drawing example.

Coils are sorted by number of cylinders for easy grouping. Then they are grouped in 2 main groups like Standard or Dumb Coils that have no built in drivers, and then Intelligent Coils that has built in drivers. Then They are grouped according to coil types namely Single, Wasted Spark or COP coils. Take care to understand the differences and then select the correct drawing to print. There are settings of what the software must be selected for the specific drawing.

Injectors are sorted by number of cylinders for easy grouping. Then they are grouped according to low or high impedance. The connection for low impedance differs as their resistance is too low to be connected directly. They may also be connected in Split or full sequential configuration.

Other drawings you may need are Idle Control, Cam Control, General Purpose Outputs , Fuel Pump Control and Tachometer.

Precautions and Installing

Before attempting to start an install it will be wise to read the Precautions For Mercury2 . This section outlines general wiring mistakes customers make that will cause operation problems like interference later.


When you start an engine for the first time do follow the Start-Up Procedure. This will take you step by step through the process of checking everything. In some cases, you may damage a unit if your setup in the software does not match your wiring on the engine. Drivers from the ECU may have different tasks. Then it may not be controlled in the right manner. You may over fuel a cylinder resulting in a bent con-rod etc.

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