Help Menu

This menu holds information. About will indicate all the release fixes and changes between versions released. It also unlocks the embedded manual and will save a copy of it in the Hyperspace folder where the software was saved initially. Here all the keyboard keys for manipulating features and tuning values […]

File Menu

This menu is to open the different saved maps or to save a map from a device onto the pc. The software will save periodic files in Auto Saves folder and also when you do a Device save it will make a copy in the Device Save folder. Open is […]


Assign Device For your convenience Assign Device is built into the Hyperspace Tuning Software. If a system is upgraded or activated on the Portal, the customer only need to have internet connection to activate his system. When you click Assig and there is an active allocation on the Portal, this […]

Tuning Menu

Settings is to set up units, software and device communications and auto map save settings. Exit is to quit the software. Connect is to connect or dis-connect to the ECU, Settings Unit selection Select Metric or Imperial units. Language Select Language if it is available. Styles Custom your own tuning […]

Orion USB Debug Programming

Should it happen that the program really corrupted and the BootLoader was corrupted as well then the only way is to reprogram it with the Sillabs UDB Debug Adapter. New Orion’s are also programmed this way for the first time. As always connect only P1 and the Comms harness form […]

Bootloader Recovery Instructions

The BootLoader may be corrupted should you lose power during downloading or maybe load a corrupted firmware file. In this case there will be no communications so the normal bootloader software or integrated software will not work. The BootLoader firmware is still loaded though. Below is a step by step […]

Integrated Bootloader

The new software now also includes the BootLoader software. In the top menu click Device and then Load Device Firmware. Now browse for your firmware. and click Open. Read this warning and click Yes. Your Orion is now programmed. You may proceed with tuning.

BootLoader Software

The Orion Bootloader software will only be necessary when the code in the device was corrupted. The new tuning software can also be used for normal programming. Note in the bottom information bar there is an indication if the BootLoader is present. If it is not present, then you will […]

Transmission Specific instructions

Each transmission may have specific setup rules that is not standard. This could be an extra pressure solenoid or setting for example. These instructions on how to tune it properly will be saved in the transmission folder on the web along with its firmware, startup map and drawing. Aisin A650E […]

Fuel System Troubleshooting

Fuel supply line to the pump is too thin. This will cause the fuel pump to draw a very low pressure on the inlet. When the fuel becomes hotter it will percolate due to the low pressure. This gas will then enter the pump making the pressure erratic. The gas […]