Orion Simulator Test Program

This firmware will allow dealers to test Orion and see if all inputs and outputs are functional. It is for use on a Spitronics Simulater2 or 3. It is required before you accept Test 2 on the Portal. Note that this test is not 100% fool proof as the simulator does not have the proper loads like coils etc. connected to them. But it will show the obvious faults that come during manufacturing. This firmware will not alter map data unless you load a new map in. This program is used for all firmware types like ECU, TCU, etc. After the test procedure make sure you load the same firmware in for the customer. This program has firmware lockout if it is loaded in the wrong device.

This process will require the following:

  • Orion Device
  • USB/UART Spitronics cable to connect to Orion with Device Manager 4
  • Computer or laptop with internet connection.
  • Device Manager Ver 4.01 Software
  • Simulator2/3 with power

The firmware for a device is called:
Orion Simulater2 30 Test Program Ver 4.0A 24_01_2019.firm

  • Orion – device that is tested
  • Simulater2 or 3 – the model of simulator that the firmware is developed for
  • 30 – Program number to be selected on Simulater2
  • Test Program – Description of firmware
  • Ver 4.0A – firmware version
  • 24_01_2019 – the date of the firmware
  • firm – a file type extension used by the Bootloader


  • Ensure that all the jumpers are in the prescribed positions. This may affect the outcome of your test 2 results. See further in the manual the default Jumper settings.
  • Connect the simulator to the Orion and use the correct simulator harness
  • Connect the USB/UART Spitronics cable and switch on
  • Load the Test firmware in the device with the Bootloader.
  • Open the Device Manager Ver 4 software and connect to the Orion

No action is required on the Portal. The Portal may be used for confirmation of Test 2 procedure if you are a dealer and the device is not yet allocated.

Device Manager
Now need to log into the device manager

The information on the device and firmware is displayed.

  • Device Serial Number is a unique code in the microprocessor and cannot be altered. Once serialized, this code will be saved on the Portal.
  • Flash Serial Number is no longer used and is a copy of the last 9 digits of the device serial number.
  • Hardware Type confirms the device and its photo is displayed.
  • Hardware Class
  • Firmware Type Locked
  • Firmware number Locked
  • Brand Code
  • Firmware Type
  • Firmware Number
  • Firmware Class
  • Firmware Version

Click on Tester to go to the Test screen.

With this screen you can test each input to the device. On the simulator is LED’s for each output. Further below is a description of each I/O to be tested.

The flash memory value is always for a new device. Note that it will change after a map is loaded. That will indicate that the memory chip is functional and can save tuning maps.

You may load a map into the device from the Device Manager 4. Take note that this will be a clone action so all settings in the device will be the same as the map file. Click the load button and browse to where the map is.

Select the map and click Open . It will be saved in the device and then the File button disappears and the serialize button become visible which will be used after the testing of the Orion.

Note that the Flash Memory block has another value than 255.

This verify that the flash chip is functional.

Testing the inputs of the Orion Device

All the analogue bars must be tested for low and high scale. The POT or potentiometer must represent low and high limits. With other words when the POT is close or open the bar must be zero or full scale. Then movement from the POT must indicate movement from the bar. No dead band before the bar moves. That will be a fail.


Note that the bar may not reach 255 exactly as it may be variance in simulator voltage.

MAP Potentiometer

TPS Potentiometer

LAMBDA Potentiometer

WAT Potentiometer

AIR Potentiometer

Batter Voltage – must be confirmed at ECU input and GND with multi meter.

RPM indicator – it has 2 scales selectable by the PROG button. Low is 2100 max and high is 15600 max. Note that program 30 must be selected on the simulator.

Memory chip operation test. 255 means failure after map is loaded.

Now focus on the Simulator2 and on the ECU for LED flashes. Below is a pattern and each LED must light up in this sequence. If there is a short between outputs, then other LED’s out of sequence will flash.

If you are a dealer and this is a new device, you can confirm that these tests were successful with TEST 2 on the portal. Should the results be different later then I will be traced back to you. So make sure it is correct.

You may now load back the customer firmware program and load another map. This will confirm that the flash memory is also working.

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